
Nonprofit specialty care nursery providing hope for moms and babies


Every 25 Minutes a baby is born experiencing opioid withdrawal. We can help!

Jacob’s hope

A specialty care nursery providing 24-hour medical care to substance exposed newborns.

Every moment counts

Like all babies, the ones we care for at Jacob’s Hope have the potential to be anything in life! However, our babies need extra care to ensure a healthy and happy future. We help by providing much needed support during the first weeks of their lives.

Who was Jacob?

Jacob was the beloved son of Brian and Jo Jones.

“Our son, Jacob Robert Jones, was the very first baby we ever held, ever loved, ever cared for who was born exposed to drugs. We were so naive as to how to care for him, so we just did our best and loved him with all of our hearts. Due to the prenatal drug exposure, our son suffered from the effects of substance abuse for his entire life.

Jacob’s Hope is dedicated to our son in the desire that other children, through proper care and nurturing, can be given loving and competent care as they struggle through drug withdrawals in the first few weeks of their lives.”

“Finding out I was pregnant with my second child while still battling addiction, I felt like my life was over. Sitting in the nursery after just giving birth I thought adoption was my only choice, until a nurse introduced me to the biggest blessing I could’ve asked for in my new situation. From start to finish, Jacob’s Hope was the best life-changing decision for my son and I. The love, encouragement, support and compassion everyone showed from the staff to the owner made such an impact that I will forever and always be grateful for.”

Samantha D.

“What a true blessing for my grandson to be cared for with and by the amazing Jacob Hope’s RNs & staff. The most frightening experiences with my grandchild turned into him being nurtured and cared for at this critical time of his new life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving the medical attention, support, the resources and the knowledge of how to care for our new family member.  Forever Grateful Jacobs Hope.”

Cynthia M.

“Jacob’s Hope meant being able to know my daughter was not only getting the needed medical care, but the love and nurturing as well when I couldn’t be there.”

The number of babies born with NAS increased by 82% nationally from 2010 to 2017.
The average cost of a NICU stay for a newborn with NAS was nearly $45,000. Care at Jacob’s Hope offers significant cost savings to the healthcare industry, providing care at ¼ of the cost.
The average length of stay in the NICU for a newborn with NAS is 22 days. Our environment is the optimal place for recovery, with an average length of stay of 10 days at Jacob’s Hope.

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The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
– Matthew 25:40.

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